Monday, 12 November 2012

Young people in London

Case study: Young people in London

As you know, our case study is the representation of young people in London.

Today's task:

Look through the newspaper cuttings from the week of the London riots in summer 2011. Make notes on the texts that you could refer to in the exam should you choose a question on representation. The following questions may help:

  1. What kind of representations of young Londoners can you find?
  2. Can you link them to any media theory?
  3. How might you use these texts in an exam answer?
Think about how you could use these texts or notes to answer an example question such as the following:

A negative representation is better than no representation at all. Discuss this statement with reference to the group or place you have studied.

This was an actual question from the A2 exam a couple of years ago and is useful to make sure our notes are relevant to a representation essay.

A negative representation is better than no representation at all?

Discuss the statement with reference to the group or place 

1.Young Londoners are 'Feral'

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