Thursday 27 September 2012

Friday Media

'Please, please tell us you're OK': Anguished parents of teacher, 30, who ran away with Megan, 15, plead with them to make contact

Jeremy Forrest, 30, a maths teacher and pupil Megan Stammers 15 ran off together on a love journey to France, There have been no sightings of the pair since they left Britain and Megan’s parents have issued an urgent appeal for their daughter to contact them and let them know she is safe and well.

Reading the article about the fifteen year old schoolgirl who's run off with her thirty year old teacher, my view on this story is overall negative, I think that what these two have done is wrong, firstly its paedophilia which is not taken lightly in this society as it is seen as a taboo, also the media are portraying him as a sex offender, which may give bad publicity to England as both fled to an EU Country. Overall I find this sickening as the teacher has breached a code of conduct between a student, therefore jeopardising his position as a teacher, both have not done themselves any favours as both will be frowned upon by society.

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